StrOmhard wear-resistant steel: the key to a


Stromhard-Wear-resistant steel from Nordic Roads reduces CO2-emissionsin the crushing and mining industry

Norwegian Stromhard is produced via hydro energy and can last upto 20% longer than others.

The short distance from our production point to the customers along with our recycling policies positions our wear-resistant steel as the most eco-friendly choice.

Our vision includes preserving the steel in the same life cycle.

We aim to achieve that by:

  • Producing good quality steel using energy from the local river.
  • Delivering to clients within close proximity.
  • Retrieving steel after production has ended, approximately 20% reduction in quantity.
  • Reheating of steel to a new product, adding new for worn out steel.
  • Delivering steel to the same client for a new round.

We mold good quality steel, it’s not doctored. Therefore the production process is more effective and requires less energy. In the end, the total in our circular focus will contribute significantly to the customers’ EPD analysis (Environmental Product Declaration).

Our expanded vision:

To redefine our wear-resistant steel from being a commodity from the east to a local product with a circular lifecycle. This is because:

  • Commodities from the east are produced under different conditions.
  • Often on coal-fired power with high pollution locally around the facilities.
  • It requires a long voyage to northern europe after production.
  • After the wear-resistant steel has been used up and replaced, it is handed in as scrap material without any of it’s elements remaining in our industry.


Stromhard: Made in Jørpeland, Norway

The short distance from the traditional steel facility at Jørpeland to your industrial plant saves the environment from unnecessary transport emissions – and safeguards you from long delivery times and high transport costs.

More than 110 years with knowledge and experience

The steel facility at Jørpeland has a long tradition as a producer of high-quality steel. As our customer, you contribute to maintaining a high quality & competitive production environment:

  • Local production with renewable energy from Jørpeland-river.
  • Retain & manage over 110 years of knowledge and experience.
  • Build up the norwegian “crushing industry” for the good of the entire industry.
  • Retain a facility for molding steel at Jørpeland in Norway.
  • Norwegian company with local owners.

Our history is our unique selling point

It all started with a waterfall in a river, north of Stavanger on the southwest coast of Norway. One day some visionary men came into the fjord, and they liked what they saw. They tamed the river, installed turbines and established Stavanger Elektro Staalverk (SES) in 1912.

SES quickly became a large company with diverse production. ca. 1,200 employees worked here at the melting furnaces & the hydro-power plants by the river. Until the end of the 1970s, this was one of the largest enterprises in the whole country.

Nevertheless, the 1970s were difficult for the cornerstone company in Jørpeland. After bankruptcy in the late 1970s, there were several rounds of bankruptcy and restarts, ups & downs. In 2022, many probably thought it was over for good, then in the form of a controlled liquidation.

But where there is will and good people, there is hope. With the river as part of the team, it is now our turn to manage the facility, the knowledge, the people, the community and the products.

Our focus will primarily be consumables for the mining, crushed stone and mineral industries, which the people at Jørpeland know best of all. From 1948, the plant has supplied “mantler” and consumables to the mining and construction industry in Norway and the world. The first round with Strømhard®-quality was cast as early as 1982, and it is this legacy that we are now building on when assisting our customers in the important, green shift.


brand since 1982

We make our customers better

Crushing stone is hard work that requires good equipment and skillful operators. Our systematic approach and continuous improvement will quickly improve the quality of the products and reduce production costs.

A continuous improvement of process and product

With the renewable energy from the Jørpelands-river and the local knowledge, we want to further develop ourselves and the products so that customers at home and abroad can produce as many tonnes as possible per. unit. This work starts with understanding and documenting each individual machine at our customers’ premises:

  • Observe and measure each individual worn out part.
  • Analyze what is observed.
  • Change and optimize the products based on the analysis.

In short: A continuous improvement of process and product.

This is how we work together with customers:

Nordic bulk

Process analysis

  • What mass comes in?
  • What mass comes out?
  • Is the chosen process the best possible solution?

Machine analysis

  • Is the machine running optimally?
  • Uptime
  • Pressure
  • Oil temperature

Worn out parts

  • Correct mantletype
  • Correct design?

Spare parts

  • Access to the right parts
  • Correct delivery time


  • Process knowledge
  • Maintenance knowledge
  • Steel knowledge

Measurement and documentation

  • Uptime
  • Lifetime of all parts
  • How do the parts wear?


Increased efficiency

Stromhard gives you a higher number of operating hours per product, increased capacity and reduced power consumption.

Better delivery security

Only 2-3 weeks delivery time for one-off production at the steel facility at Jørpeland in Norway.

Tailored parts

The collective expertise in the Nordic Group ensures the best possible customized products.

A better environmental account

You get local equipment with a longer lifespan produced by renewable energy, and approx. 80% of wear-resistant steel recycled.

Stromhard – do we have parts for your machine?

A wide range of parts is offered for most well-known brands in the market, such as: Sandvik, Svedala, Metso, Nordberg, Extec, Terex Pegson, Powerscreen, Fintec, Finlay, Kue-Ken, Brown Lennox, Lokomo, Symons and more.

Remember – just ask us about your machine. Contact us

Kjell Bernt Fossmark

Svein Konrad Voster

Einar Omland
Production leader

Tom Wersland